मुक्ति की ओर मेरा सफर।

दिल की धड़कनों में छुपी,
एक अहसास जो रूपों में छुपा है।
संवेदनाओं की आवाज़,
जीवन के साथ खेलती है।

सूखे पत्तों की तरह,
जीने की चाह जो छोड़ आया।
विनाशकारी बाधाओं से,
जीने का सफर वो पाया।

उड़ान भर गई जिंदगी की,
नकारात्मकता की बंधनों से।
सेज़, वीड, या प्यार की मदद से,
निकला मुक्ति की ओर मेरा सफर।

In a world where energies collide, empaths often find themselves entangled in toxic attachments and draining relationships that hinder their personal growth. These individuals, with their innate ability to absorb and understand the emotions of others, often become victims of emotional vampires who offer little in return.

For the empath, the journey towards self-preservation begins with recognizing the harmful patterns and letting go of the relationships that no longer serve their higher purpose. Just as sage burns away impurities, empaths learn to burn away the negativity in their lives, whether it be through spiritual practices, recreational activities, or even intimate connections.

The act of burning sage, metaphorically speaking, symbolizes the cleansing of the soul and the release of negative energies. Similarly, indulging in activities like smoking weed or engaging in intimate encounters can provide temporary relief from the emotional burdens that weigh heavy on the empath's heart.

However, it's essential to remember that true liberation comes from within. While external rituals and distractions may offer momentary reprieve, the path to lasting freedom lies in self-awareness, setting boundaries, and cultivating healthy relationships that nurture personal growth.

Toxic attachments may leave scars, but they also serve as catalysts for transformation. Through introspection and resilience, empaths can transcend the limitations of their past and emerge stronger, wiser, and more empowered than ever before.

So, to all the empaths out there, remember: your sensitivity is not a weakness but a superpower. Embrace it, honor it, and let it guide you on your journey to self-discovery and liberation. For in the ashes of what once held you back, you will find the strength to rise and soar towards a brighter, more fulfilling future.

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