Saturday 17 December 2016

गहरी नींद

गहरी नींद लगी थी
आँखों में
शरीर होशो हवास खो चूका था
तभी ख़याल आया
ख्यालों में खोये मन में
ख़याल ने ख्वाब को जन्म दिया
 ख्वाब ने शब्द बोया
शब्द ने वाक्यों का विस्तार किया
वाक्यों ने इतिहास गढ़ दिया
और इतिहास ने फिर से सुला दिया  

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Into the wild

The statement "Into the Wild” is a movie about the desire for freedom that feels, in itself, like the fulfillment of that desire" suggests that the film explores the theme of freedom in a way that is both authentic and satisfying. It implies that the movie not only depicts the longing for freedom but also captures the essence of what it means to be free. This statement also suggests that the director, Sean Penn, has skillfully executed this theme in a way that is not simplistic or superficial. Overall, this statement sets high expectations for the movie's portrayal of freedom and its ability to evoke a strong emotional response from the audience.
In the wild, Christopher roams free,
His spirit soars, his soul set free.
The wilderness, his solace, his home,
A place where he's never felt alone.

The mountains stand tall, their peaks kissed by the sun,
Their shadows stretch long as the day draws to a close.
The trees sway in the wind, their leaves rustling like whispers,
Nature's symphony echoes through the valleys and hills.

Christopher's footsteps crunch on the forest floor,
His heart beats in time with the rhythm of the land.
He breathes in the crisp air, his lungs filling with life,
His soul awakens as he becomes one with the wild.

In this place of solitude and simplicity,
Christopher finds a peace that he's never known before.
He learns to live off the land, to hunt and forage,
To find joy in the small things and to let go of more.

As he journeys onwards, he meets those who've been before him,
Each with their own story to tell. They share their wisdom and their woes.
Christopher listens intently, his heart open and receptive,
Learning from their experiences as he goes.

And so Christopher continues on his path,
Through trials and triumphs he carries on. His spirit unbroken and true.
For in this wilderness he has found a purpose, a calling,
A life that is simple yet profoundly true.

In search of freedom, he set out alone,
A top student, an athlete, a soul unknown.
His heart yearned for the wild, to be reborn,
He donated his savings, and hitched his way to Alaska's morn.

The road ahead was long and rough,
But he was determined to prove enough.
He met strangers along the way,
Each one leaving an impression that would not fade away.

The wind whispered secrets in his ear,
The mountains roared like a lion's fear.
The sun set in a blaze of red and gold,
A sight that left him breathless and bold.

He learned to live off the land,
To hunt and fish with a steady hand.
He found solace in the stillness of the night,
And danced with the stars in their heavenly light.

But the wilderness was not kind,
It tested him in ways he could not find.
He battled hunger and thirst and cold,
But he refused to let go of his hold.

In the end, he found what he sought,
A sense of purpose that he could not bought.
He left this world with a heart full of grace,
A true wanderer who found his own place.

Monday 6 June 2016

एक रिश्ता

एक अजीब सा रिश्ता है
संग उसके
 रिश्ता वो जो न उसने बनाया
 न मैंने बनाया
बस बातों ही बातों में बन गया
कुछ उसकी नादानियाँ
कुछ मेरी मासूमियत
दोनों ने मिलकर ऐसा
समा बांघा कि सबकी जुबां पर
हमारा नाम आ गया
पर लड़ते झगड़ते हैं हम
उसी में कुछ खुशी है
और वही तो एक रिश्ता है 

Monday 2 May 2016


परवाह  है उस ख्याल की
जो बोया था बचपन में कहीं
आज वो ख्याल ख्वाबों में अंकुरित हो कर
फूट रहा है मिट्टी  से 
परवाह है उसके कुचल जाने की
परवाह  है उस ख्याल की
जो बोया था बचपन में कहीं |

परवाह ही उसके उजड़ जाने की
जब  गर्भ में ही  दो धारी तलवार से उस  ख्वाब
पर वार की जाये
तब जन्म दे कर उस ख्वाब को पाल पोसकर
रोशन किया जाये
परवाह है उस रोशनी की
जो लाने वाली है नयी सहर यहीं
पर वाह है उस ख्याल की 
जो बोया था छुटपन में कहीं  |

Thursday 28 April 2016

Apo dēpō bhav

Apo dēpō bhav

Appo deepo bhav is a Sanskrit phrase that translates to "Be a lamp unto yourself." It is a central teaching in Buddhist philosophy, particularly in the Theravada tradition.
The given text is Sanskrit, and it means "May light be revealed." However, there seems to be an error in the transliteration. The correct transliteration should be āpo depo bhav. The correct Sanskrit diacritical marks have been added to the text.

In terms of grammar, the verb "bhav" is present tense, and it is conjugated with the root "bhā" (भा) which means "to shine," "to become," or "to be." The prefix "a" (अ) is added to negate the meaning, and the prefix "apo" (अपो) is added to indicate the source of light, which is water in this case.

Overall, the text is grammatically correct, and there are no spelling or punctuation errors.
At its core, this philosophy encourages individuals to rely on their own inner wisdom and understanding rather than relying solely on external sources of guidance, such as religious texts or teachers. It emphasizes the importance of developing one's own insight and intuition through personal reflection and contemplation.

The metaphor of a lamp is used to illustrate this concept. Just as a lamp illuminates the darkness, an individual's inner wisdom can help them navigate through the uncertainties and challenges of life. By cultivating this inner light, one can learn to trust their own intuition and make decisions that are aligned with their values and beliefs.

In practical terms, this philosophy encourages individuals to engage in practices such as meditation, mindfulness, and self-reflection to develop their inner wisdom. By doing so, they can learn to trust their own insights and make decisions that are in line with their own values and beliefs, rather than relying solely on external sources of guidance.

In summary, Appo deepo bhav is a philosophy that encourages individuals to rely on their own inner wisdom and understanding rather than relying solely on external sources of guidance. It emphasizes the importance of developing one's own insight and intuition through personal reflection and contemplation, using the metaphor of a lamp to illustrate this concept.

Friday 8 April 2016

सन्नाटे के शोर में

सन्नाटे के शोर में

अभी दिन ढला ही नही
और आंखो में तेरा चेहरा नजर आ गया
जब देखी तेरी नजर पाया तेरी पाया
तेरी नजर में खुद की नजर !
फिर ढली है  शाम
और खिल गए अरमान
तरनुम से जो तुम मुझे छूती हो
कायनात पूरी मेरे कदमो से गुजरती है !
सन्नाटे के शोर में
कानो में तो मिश्री सी घोलती है
अंधेरे के भोर में
आंखो में ख्वाब को बोती तू |  

Tuesday 15 March 2016


किसी  के  इंतजार मे दिन ढल गया

तो किसी  के इंतजार मे शाम निकल गयी
और रात आते अंधेरे से बात हो गयी
जिसका था इंतजार
नही आया वो  अबकी बार
पर अपने आप से मुलाक़ात हो गयी

तो एक खुश नुमा सुबह तैयार हो गयी

और उसके बाद एक नयी दिन के शुरुआत हो गयी 

Monday 18 January 2016


बस फिर से उड़ने को तैयार है  पंख
जरा थम से गये थे पंख
जरा जम से गये थे पंख
आ रही है ठंडी ठंडी हवायें
जो की उडा रही है पंख
फिर से मचलने को तैयार है पंख
बस फिर से उड़ने को तैयार है  पंख
जरा भावनाओं के अंधेर मे फंस गये थे पंख
जरा मोह के आवेश मे  घस गये थे पंख
आ रही है रूहानी सी  गुनगुनी धुप
जो की सुखा रही है पंख
फिर से सम्भलने को तैयार है पंख
बस फिर से उड़ने को तैयार है  पंख

दीप जले तो जीवन खिले

अँधेरे में जब उम्मीदें मर जाएं, दुखों का पहाड़ जब मन को दबाए, तब एक दीप जले, जीवन में उजाला लाए, आशा की किरण जगमगाए। दीप जले तो जीवन खिले, खु...