In English:

Journey: The Endless Chapter of Life

A journey is not merely a means to reach a destination; it is an experience in itself. It reflects the profound truth of life—that the journey never ends. In our lives, we all embark on various journeys, sometimes in the external world, and sometimes within ourselves.

Every day and every moment of life is a journey. From childhood to old age, this journey is not just about aging but about the accumulation of experiences, emotions, and lessons. As we move forward, new people, circumstances, and challenges come our way.

The True Meaning of Life
The journey teaches us that destinations are important, but enjoying the journey matters more. Like climbing a mountain, we do not move solely to reach the summit but also to cherish the views, flowers, and winds along the way. Life is no different.

The poet Rahi Masoom Raza beautifully said:
"When the journey becomes more beautiful than the destination,
You know you're on the right path."

During the journey, we must learn the art of living in the moment. When we start living in the present, even life’s difficulties become enriching experiences.

Spiritual Perspective
From a spiritual standpoint, the journey represents the eternal quest of the soul. It is the pursuit of that essence of the self which transcends birth and death. As Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita:

"The soul is never born, and it never dies.
It is eternal, indestructible, and timeless.
It cannot be destroyed when the body is destroyed."

This journey of understanding the soul is the ultimate adventure of life.

The Endless Continuum of Journeys
In life, reaching one destination often opens the doors to another. This is why the journey never truly ends. Every experience leads us to a new direction, creating a cycle of learning and growth.

The journey of life is eternal. It is a beautiful story that adds new chapters every day. Finding joy in this journey is what brings us contentment and happiness.

Life’s journey is an infinite thread; weave it with moments of joy, learning, and gratitud

The Power of Self-Talk

जैसे किसी अपने से बात करते हो,
वैसे ही खुद से भी प्यार करते हो।
कोमलता, धैर्य, और प्रोत्साहन से भर दो अपनी बातें,
खुद के लिए वही अपनाओ, जो अपनाओ दूसरों के साथ।

हर शब्द जो तुम खुद से कहते हो,
तुम्हारे आत्म-मूल्य की नींव रखते हो।
तो क्यों न आवाज़ में मिठास भरें,
अपने ही मन को सहलाने की आदत करें।

"तुम कर सकते हो," ये खुद से कहना सीखो,
गलतियाँ भी तुम्हारी ही हैं, ये समझना सीखो।
खुद से सच्चा प्यार करना कोई कमजोरी नहीं,
बल्कि यही है जीवन की सबसे बड़ी ताकत सही।

तो चलो, आज से खुद को अपना सबसे अच्छा दोस्त बनाएं,
जैसे दूसरों को अपनाते हैं, वैसे ही खुद को गले लगाएं।
क्योंकि अपने साथ का जो रिश्ता है,
वही हर खुशी का पहला और सच्चा किस्सा है।


मैं लौटना चाहता हूँ

मैं लौटना चाहता हूँ, जहाँ हिमालय की चोटियाँ मेरी आत्मा से संवाद करती थीं, जहाँ बर्फ की सफेदी में मेरा मन निस्पंद विश्राम पाता था। मैं फिर से...