Monday 11 July 2022

Dead poet's poetry'

In dusty tomes and yellowed pages,
Lies the echoes of a bygone age,
The words of poets long since passed,
Whose verses still have power to enrage.

Their souls, immortalized in ink,
Still speak to us from silent graves,
Their thoughts and feelings, raw and real,
Echo through the ages like waves.

Their words, a testament to the human heart,
A mirror of our own deepest fears,
Their poetry a balm for troubled souls,
A solace in a world that's unclear.

So let us honor these dead poets' art,
Let their words continue to inspire,
For in their poetry we find a light,
A beacon in the darkness of despair.

Thursday 31 March 2022


जिन्दगी बदल गई है 

फिर भी उसी मोड़ पर खडा हूं मैं

सब कुछ बदल गया है 

फिर भी उसी को मांग रहा हूं मैं

वो भी बदल गई है 

फिर भी बदल नही रहा हूं मैं ।

Friday 28 January 2022


Once upon a time, in a far-off land, there was a kingdom ruled by a wise and just king. The king had three daughters, each as beautiful as the next, but they lacked one thing - kindness.

One day, the king announced that he would give his hand in marriage to the daughter who showed the most kindness and compassion towards others. The sisters were determined to win their father's heart and set out on a mission to help those in need.

The eldest sister visited the sick and the elderly, bringing them food and medicine. The middle sister helped the poor by giving them money and clothes. But the youngest sister, who was known for her selfishness, struggled to find a way to show kindness.

One day, as she was walking through the forest, she came across a group of animals who were being mistreated by a cruel hunter. The youngest sister knew that this was her chance to show kindness and compassion. She befriended the animals and promised to help them escape from the hunter's clutches.

With the help of her new animal friends, the youngest sister was able to outsmart the hunter and save the animals from harm. Her father was so impressed with her kindness that he declared her the winner of his heart.

From that day on, the youngest sister became known as the kindest and most compassionate princess in all the land. And she lived happily ever after, surrounded by her animal friends and loved ones.
Kindness is not just about helping those in need, but also about treating all living beings with compassion and respect. Let us all strive to be kinder and more compassionate towards others, just like our favorite princess did!

दीप जले तो जीवन खिले

अँधेरे में जब उम्मीदें मर जाएं, दुखों का पहाड़ जब मन को दबाए, तब एक दीप जले, जीवन में उजाला लाए, आशा की किरण जगमगाए। दीप जले तो जीवन खिले, खु...