Maya: Unraveling the Illusions of Human Consciousness

In the intricate dance of Maya, our consciousness is ensnared,
Veiling truth with illusions, in dreams we are dared.
Desires, like flickering flames, Maya does ignite,
Leading us on a quest for elusive delight.

न मुहुर्तं चिरं चारुं न सुखं दुःखमेव वा।
जीवितं जीवितेनैव मृत्योः क्वचिदप्युत्तरम्॥

Not a moment passes, neither beautiful nor vile,
Life, in its fleeting moments, does beguile.
For in the transient dance of joy and sorrow,
We seek escape from the cycle we borrow.

Wants, like waves upon the shore, incessantly arise,
Driven by the illusion of scarcity, our longing magnifies.
Yet, the more we chase, the further we stray,
Lost in Maya's maze, where shadows play.

कामादीनां करोद्धूतं प्राप्य धनं प्रयाति च।
नैते सत्या विज्ञानं लभयन्ते कदाचन॥

Love, the grand illusion, casts its spell,
Promising happiness, in its enchanting swell.
Yet beneath the surface, truth does lie,
Love's ephemeral nature, we cannot deny.

सर्वं दुःखं विवेकेन नाम्नाऽविवेकेन सर्वम्।
अविवेकेन विवेको विवेकेन न दुःखम्॥

In the pursuit of happiness, Maya's sway we must transcend,
For true joy resides within, where illusions end.
Through discernment (viveka), we pierce Maya's veil,
And find liberation, where truth prevails.

तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय।
तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय।
तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय॥

Lead us from darkness to light, O divine,
Guide us to truth's radiant shrine.
In the realm beyond Maya's sway,
Eternal bliss, may we find our way.

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